Members along with family and friends support EPC by sharing their time, creative talents, and gifts. There are numerous small and large ways for volunteers to participate! Become engaged in our active faith community by assisting with aspects of worship and church life, providing care in times of special need, sharing gifts of hospitality, nurture and teaching, and reaching out to minister to the wider community around us.
Service Opportunities
- Participate in a Ministry Team – join one of our ministry teams: Christian Education, Church Life, Finance, Mission, Communications, Personnel, Property, and Worship.
- Liturgists – assist in leading Sunday morning worship liturgy for a month on a rotating basis
- Ushers and Greeters – assist in welcoming people to Sunday morning worship, distributing bulletins and other materials as needed, and collect the offering.
- Prepare worship space – assist in preparing the sanctuary for special church seasons like Lent, Pentecost, World Communion Sunday and Advent, by hanging banners, putting up decorations, and helping with displays.
- Lemonade on the Lawn – assist in providing refreshments for fellowship time following the worship service.
- C is for Caring – assist in sending cards to the congregation to honor birthdays, prayers for wellness and condolences when a death occurs.
- Contribute food or meals for special occasions – assist in cooking and/or purchasing items for a church wide reception after worship or during an event.
- Volunteer in the church office – assist with stuffing bulletins and other light tasks assigned by the office administrator.
- Counting contributions – assist in being part of the Money Counters Team, recording the offering and other financial payments that come to the church.
Care & Support
As a congregation and church family, we seek to care for one another and those in our community who come to the church to worship or to seek guidance and assistance. Support may be offered through C is for Caring, providing meals and rides when possible, sharing prayer joys and concerns during Sunday morning worship, and by the Pastor’s Emergency Assistance Fund.