Our community of faith prays together for one another, our community, and the world through sharing our joys and concerns during our Sunday morning worship service, in small group gatherings and in each others’ personal prayers.
Members and friends of the church receive a weekly email of recent prayer concerns and thanksgivings. Contact the church office at office@emorypresbyterian.org to have your email address added to the list, or to submit a prayer request.

Prayer Spaces

Chalice Labyrinth

An outdoor labyrinth made of subtly colored stone pavers, our labyrinth on the front lawn is always open as a path for meditation and prayer. Read more about praying the labyrinth.

Prayer Garden

Our prayer garden lies between the Sanctuary and Education building. It is a beautiful, outdoor garden area. This space serves as an outdoor worship or meeting area as well as a quiet place for prayer. You are welcome to come enjoy this lovely space for a time of reflection and prayer.

Prayer Room

Located on the second floor of the Fellowship Hall across from the stairs is a sensory space for meditation and prayer. Take a break, visit the prayer room, reflect on quotes about prayer, read from the Bible or the other available books, scrunch your hands down in the sand or let it fall through your fingers, listen to the sound of the fountain, or simply sit, be, and talk with God.
If you haven’t visited the room in a while, you may find it different than the last time you were there. The room evolves as the seasons and the Spirit suggest. Personal contributions of art, quotations, reading material or photos that reflect YOUR thought about prayer are very welcome and will be displayed with care.

Prayer Service

Taizé Prayer

Meditative Taizé Prayer Services are at 7 pm in the sanctuary on the second Tuesday of each month, September through January. (September 10, October 8, November 12, December 10, 2024, January 14, 2025)
Taizé Prayer is a simple, meditative form of worship with prayerful silence interspersed with repetitive music and song, communion, and brief, reflective scripture readings in a candle-lit environment.
Named for a monastic community formed in Taizé, France in 1940, Taizé Prayer was established with the mission of healing divisions between Christians and within the human family. Today the Taizé Prayer community continues to create spaces for reconciliation and healing to become reality and includes participants from many Christian denominations, including Protestant, Catholic, and Orthodox traditions.
All are welcome to come and experience this sacred time of worship as a way of grounding ourselves in God’s love amid busy lives and a chaotic world.
For other Taizé Prayer Services in the Atlanta area, see Taizé Atlanta.