Chancel Choir

Music is an outstanding part of engagement at Emory Presbyterian Church. During our Sunday morning worship, we use the Glory to God hymnal. However, this collection is often supplemented and enlivened with international music from other traditions and cultures, Taize prayer refrains, and older Gospel hymnody. While the focus of each worship is on our communal music-making, the Chancel Choir weekly offers anthems ranging in style from Renaissance motets and Baroque oratorio choruses to spirituals and hymn arrangements.

Our multi-talented Director of Music and Accompanist, Justin Han, leads us in song, directs our Chancel Choir, and plays multiple instruments as accompanist.

The Chancel Choir currently rehearses Sunday mornings at 9:00 AM, before church begins at 11:00 AM. Whether you are a rock star or you think you can barely hold a tune, all are warmly invited to join us. After all, the scripture says, “Make a joyful noise to the Lord!”

Concerts in EPC Sanctuary

Special Music & Concerts

In addition to weekly Sunday morning worship music, our Music Director, along with the Worship Ministry, coordinates and offers a variety of musical events throughout the year. During Advent and other liturgical seasons our Chancel Choir brings special sacred music arrangements. The popular Summer Concert Series is an eclectic variety of Classical and Contemporary ensemble presentations plus individual instrumental and voice recitals.

Concert Events

Our church is also open to hosting recitals and small concerts! If you are a musician or performer seeking a beautiful and acoustically enchanting space for your event, our sanctuary may be the perfect place. Whether you are a solo artist, part of an ensemble, or a local choir, we warmly welcome you to share your artistry with our congregation and the wider community.

To inquire about hosting your recital or concert at our church, please send an email to the Director of Music, Justin Han. We can assist with any questions you may have, discuss available options and help make arrangements.