
Men’s Prayer Breakfast

The men’s breakfast group meets from 6:45-8:00 am on Tuesday mornings in the church’s Fellowship Hall for coffee, breakfast, fellowship and prayer. New members, visitors and friends are always welcome to come. Contact Tom Peterman for details.

Book Club

Emory Church has an active, enthusiastic book club which meets approximately every six weeks. Books read are chosen by participants and include both fiction and non-fiction, religious and secular. All are welcome to join in the club meeting whether or not you have read the book. Meetings are now virtual, by Zoom. For more information on the EPC Book Club, contact Rose Watkins.

Community Events

Wine & Wisdom

Emory Church is a place where questions are welcome, where we’re willing to tackle tough issues of faith and life in the contemporary world, and where we’re not afraid to say that we’re not sure of something. Wine & Wisdom class series explore such questions and topics, and with an honesty and openness not often seen in other churches. We invite you to come experience a class for yourself. Offered in the evening, these two- to four-week educational series are topics of interest which the surrounding community are invited to attend.

Series in the past have included “Partners in the Search for Truth: The New Conversation between Science & Faith” and “Genesis: Foundational Myth in Today’s World.” Future Wine & Wisdom series will be announced on the Home Page’s Upcoming Events section.


Becoming an EPC Member

If you’re interested in becoming a member of the church, please speak to our pastor. You’ll be invited to a New Members Inquiry Class held Sunday mornings before the 11 am worship service in the pastor’s office. The class is an opportunity for potential members to get to know more about the life of the congregation, how to become involved in the church’s ministries and for the pastor and church leadership to learn about each participant’s faith journey.
Confirmation Classes for youth are provided as needed and usually in conjunction with participants of EPC and several other churches.