Please contact the church office admin, Gay Alston, to inquire about available dates and to schedule all meetings and events. A blank date could indicate an event or meeting has been tentatively scheduled and not yet made public.
Wine & Wisdom Series
February 19, 2025
6:30-8:30 pm, Fellowship Hall
Coping With Life’s Challenges – Part 2
“The New Old Me: Coping with Aging”– Special focus on the challenges of dementia, Alzheimer’s, memory loss All are invited to attend EPC’s community-wide Wine & Wisdom series. Explore how faith intersects with everyday life while enjoying fellowship with one another along with a glass of wine and light snacks. Special Guest Speaker is Dr. Sandra Dalton-Smith, author of Being Fully Known. https://www.drdaltonsmith.com
Donations are appreciated.
HeART Reflections
Saturday, March 8
9:30am – 12:30pm, Fellowship Hall
Gather for a time of prayerful, playful HeART reflections. No artistic experience needed.
Join us in this sacred pause as we prepare our hearts and minds for the Lenten season. After a light breakfast together, our HeART reflection time will begin and end with a guided time of prayer to center us and ground us in God’s loving grace. Choose from a variety of materials and mediums to as you engage and express your creative spirit.
Please contact Karen to confirm your participation.
Clifton Sanctuary Ministries
Saturday, March 15
Contribute to Meal
For nearly 30 years Clifton Sanctuary Ministries has been a year-round place of rest, shelter, healing, and support to the homeless men of Atlanta. The EPC Mission Team provides a meal for men at the Clifton Night Shelter on the third Saturday of every other month. (January/ March/ May/ July/ September/ November) A team of various volunteers prepare and/or serve a hearty, healthy dinner of a meat, vegetable, bread, dessert, and drink. Please contact Kathryn to contribute on Saturday, March 15, or at a later date.