Always … Room for Everybody
Emory Presbyterian is a friendly, affirming congregation offering a place to serve and worship God and to support each other through prayer, faith exploration, and fellowship. We are engaged in building an inclusive community of faith, sharing God’s love and seeking to live out our faith as a Matthew 25 Chuch, actively engaged in the world.
Join Us on Sundays for Worship at 11 AM
Living Out our Faith in the World
Upcoming Events
Meditative Taizé Prayer Services are at 7 pm in the sanctuary on the second Tuesday of each month, September through January. For more information, see EVENTS.
ALL are Welcome to a special community event, EPC’s annual Blessing of the Animals on Sunday, October 26, at 11 am in the Outdoor Garden seating area. For more information, see EVENTS.
You are invited to walk the labyrinth as a spiritual practice. See EVENTS for more information.